In late summer and early fall, I was lucky enough to participate in a Convening of Care project funded by the NSF through a grant to the American Association of Geographers and the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs. Together, thirty-two participants — early career scholars, academic leaders, and research professionals (from grant offices etc.) — calibrated our understanding of care in an academic setting, and came together for a two-day workshop where we imagined what caring research programs might look like. It was an incredible experience.
One of the major outcomes of our work together is a white paper on care in the research enterprise. This is a true collective work — everyone who participated in the grant project had a hand in writing and editing some part of this paper. We hope that it will prompt wide-ranging conversations about how we can care for one another in our research lives, and make higher ed a more welcoming, just, and equitable place.
You can download the white paper [at this link]. Please feel free to download and share widely!